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The Pros & Cons for Customized Web Design and Template Web Design

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Everything has pro's and cons. Let's compare the advantages and disadvantages of customised web design vs template web design.

Customized Website

The advantages of customized website

  1. It can be customized according to your style and functions, so that you can use it most conveniently. The overall website style and layout can also be the most complete match according to your company image.
  2. It allows to adjust based on your needs in the future
  3. It allows in SEO to make it easier for search engines to find your company's website

The disadvantages of customized website

Since it is customized, there must be a lot of pre-communication in order to understand well your needs. The data preparation, review and revision of pre-communication are very time-consuming. At the same time, the cost will be higher compared to template web design.



Template Website

The advantages of template website

  1. Fast in production and reduce in communication time
  2. Less cost as it is a ready template website
  3. A powerful website with variety of functions but complicated to use as it need to suit to different customers’ needs.

The disadvantages of template website

Most of the time, the module is fixed, and changes cannot be made. The funtions and styles of the website cannot be customized according to cuztomers' needs as well. Most significantly, using template website cannot perform SEO.


In short, making a customized website and a template website is like making a suit, and a web designer is like a tailor. You can tailor your suit according to your body shape which refer to customized web design, making it the most convenient for you to use, but it is also time-consuming; while the template website, just like buying a suit, the suit is ready for everyone to pick which suit their body size in shortest time.

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